Made some money, it's important to focus on email list retention. How to grow your membership site (stage 3) as you can imagine, stage 3 focuses on onboarding and retention. Therefore, the tips provided by mika are primarily focused on strategies that encourage people to come back in search of more. Onboarding. It's much easier to improve customer retention for new customers than to improve customer retention for existing members. The quality of the onboarding experience is the best chance to improve retention. Gamification. Badge. Point. Quiz. Leader board. Certificate. Drip content. All of these gamification elements help people keep moving the course with good clips. Community.
As people get together, add value to your membership site by asking questions and creating a place to connect with each other. At this stage, everything you can do to retain your customers is a big factor in your business growth. Micah argued that onboarding is the most important factor in retaining customers. When people first log in to your site, there are email list a lot of things they have to do. Some simple steps will help you guide the content. Here are some of the fast onboarding wins mika has proposed:one-time welcome video quick start guide (1 to 3 high speed wins) seek feedback early let them customize their experience you don't want to attract a lot of customers ... Just to see them leak from the bottom of your funnel (by leaving). First close the hole.
Next, expand. Introductory video on marketing email list automation topics after a quick win, automation and drip content are one of the best ways to onboard your customers. This video is from the free course "Introduction to active campaign" and shows a good way to think about organizing automation. Stage 4 – maturity you did it. You have created a successful membership business. Of course, there is always something to do when it comes to selling and maintaining. However, the funnel does not leak. You are ready for the next step. Stage 4: if your membership site is billed by more than 500 members each month